Airjack Wifi Hack

WiFi hacking and cracking WiFi passwords is a very popular topic on the web. Everyone wants a free internet connection, right? Well, today you will learn How to Easily Hack WiFi Password in 2019 using the PMKID attack method for WPA2 and WPA.This is all possible because of a new vulnerability just being discovered by a security researcher called ‘Jens Steube’. I don’t know of any specific limitations to code aircrack–ng/code other than the time required for more complex passwords. In other words, the more complex.

  • August 19, 2015 May 5, 2017 Unallocated Author 43007 Views aircrack, airjack, airsnort, cain and able, cowpatty, hacking tools, inssider, kismet, netstumbler, softwares, top 10, wepattack, wirshark Many people come in search of us for WiFi penetration testing tools.
  • In this post, we've seen how WPS can be exploited to hack WiFi networks. The tools we used are in our Top 5 WiFi Hacking Tools! To protect yourself, your best chance is to turn off WPS from your router's page. If you don't wanna do that, upgrade your router's firmware to the latest version or buy a newer router if you have an old one.

This is the classical method of wireless password cracking .All the tools use this method in one way or other.

First start the monitor mode which will listen to all the wifi connections nearby with command:

airmon-ng start wlan0

In your lower right corner you will see written. monitor mode enabled for [phy1]wlan0mon

Now run the following command to confirm that our wifi adaptor is in monitor mode, so run command:

Airjack Wifi Hacked


Airjack wifi hacked

which will show you the wifi adaptor as wlan0mon meaning adaptor is in monitor mode.

Now run command:

airodump-ng wlan0mon

Airjack Wifi Hack Download

The above command will start listening to all the available wifi connections.

Now when your target appeas hit ctrl^c and then to capture the handshake type command:

Airjack wifi hacker

airodump-ng -c 7 –bssid C8:XX:35:XX:FD:F0 –write 1 wlan0mon


-c is the channel no. of the AP which will be listed in CH column in the output of above command as in my case it is 7.

–bssid is the MAC address of the target AP as in my case it is rajlab and bssid is C8:3A:XX:44:XX:F0

–write is the capture file in which the capture packets will be saved as in my case i have named it as 1 .

-cThe channel for the wireless network
–bssidThe MAC address of the access point
-wThe file name prefix for the file which will contain authentication handshake
mon0The wireless interface

Now start the deauth attack to disconnect all the connected clients to that AP which will help in capturing the handshake with command:

aireplay-ng -0 100 –a XX:3A:35:XX:FD:F0 -e rajlab wlan0mon

Airjack Wifi Hacks


-0 is used for deauth attack

100 is no. of deauth packets to be sent

-a is the target AP MAC address

-e is ESSID of the target AP i.e. name of the target AP

After launching the deauth attack we will get the WPA handshake in the previous terminal window in the top right corner then hit ctrl^c.

Now we have to crack the password with aircrack-ng so type command :

aircrack-ng 1-01.cap –w /usr/share/nmap/nselib/data/passwords.lst


1-01.cap is the capture file we generated in the airodump-ng .

-w is the dictionary to be used to perform dictionary attack

In my case the key is found as KEY FOUND! [raj123987]

Author:Himanshu Gupta is a Information Security Researcher | Technical writer. You can follow him on LinkedIn .

This release brings a ton of improvements. Along with bug fixes and improvements for a lot of tools, we have huge improvements under the hood thanks to code cleanup, deduplication, and reorganization of the source code. We also improved our buildbot, and addedd integration tests.

The most notable changes are in Airodump-ng, it now sees WPA3 and OWE. Its rates now takes into account 802.11n/ac and aren't limited to 54Mbit anymore. It has PMKID detection, and some basic UTF-8 among other things.

Many more details can be found in our blog post.