Uefa A Licence Sessions

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4 FA UEFA B LICENCE Technical Guidelines 5 FA UEFA B LICENCE Technical Guidelines Advanced technical practice Coach: -Coach: - a central midfield player to distribute the ball over long distances. a central midfield player to pass off his front foot over a variety of distances. a full back to control and pass the ball in the air. UEFA B Licence Functional Practice - Attack in Wide Areas In this practice we will look at Attacking in Wide Areas. The aim of this functional practice is to develop understanding of how to use the wide areas of a pitch to create goal scoring opportunities. Football Coaching Masterclass - behind the scenes exclusive footage showcasing elite UEFA A Licence coaches delivering training sessions.

Name:Alen Slamin
Country:United Kingdom
Membership:Young Member

Section No6 - UEFA ‘A’ Licence 11v11 Game Session plans Page 50-51 Runs Off the Ball, Overlapping & Diagonal Page 52-54 Three Central Defenders Playing Out form the Back Page 55-57 The Shadow Striker (Zone 14 player) Page 58-59 Defending Ready to Counter Attack (On the CD). Uefa A Licence Sessions Pdf. UEFA B Licence Assignment One & Two - Max Rogers 1. UEFA Basic Licence 2012 Assignment One - Match Analysis + Assignment Two - Training Sessions Attacking Patterns and Striker Movement Max Rogers maxanalysis@gmail.com1 Page Max Rogers. A coach or a footballer never stops learning.


This is a UEFA A Licence Session looking at Defending as a team in a 3-5-2

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Component 1 (10 mins)

This is a UEFA A Licence Component 1 drill looking at Defending as a team in a 3-5-2 formation.

Set-Up- Red Team (Defending) Back 3 positioned before play begins

2 recovering Midfielders will join the play as the 1st pass is made

Blue Team (Attacking) Front 3 positioned before the play begins

3 attacking midfielders will join the play as the return ball is played.

1 Defensive Midfielder in front of the back 3

Making it a 6 v 6 in open play

Half of a Full Pitch is used.

Drill - Play begins with the Blue Midfielders playing a pass into the strikers feet. As this ball is played the 2 recovering Red midfielders join the play. The ball is then bounced back to one of the 3 Blue Midfielders and the play begins. The Blues will attack the Main goal. If the Red Defending team win the ball back they will look to play the ball out through the gates recently occupied by the recovering midfielders.

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Component 2 (15 mins)

This is a UEFA A licence Component 2 drill looking at Defending as a team in a 3-5-2 formation

Set-Up - Red Team (Defending) 3-4-1

Blue Team (Attacking) 2-3-3

2/3 of a Full Pitch.

Drill - Play begins with the Blue team attacking the main goal. If the reds win the ball they must play the ball out past the line marked out on the pitch and try to score (defence unit must squeeze up). This will encourage the defenders to play the ball out from the back and be positive in the transition from defence -> attack.

Coaching Points - Keep a good defensive line to play Strikers offside. Constant communication from all defenders plus the goalkeeper.

CMs remain strict in their position, invite the ball to go wide.

WBs should press the ball to stop any crosses or passes into the front 3

Striker is in possession the nearest CB should engage the player. As this happens the other CB should deepen and both WBs deepen and narrow.


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Phase of Play (15 mins)

This is a UEFA A Phase of Play which will look at Defending as a team in a 3-5-2. It will look at the movements and decisions made by the defending team.

Uefa A Licence Sessions Today

Set-Up - Red Team (Defenders) 3-1-3-1

Blue Team (Attackers) 3-3-3

2/3 of a Full Pitch

Coaching Points -

When Ronaldo picks up the ball the LCB should try and show him away from goal.

No Juventus player matches the run of Carvajal.

Juventus Middle centre back should recover to the middle of the 18 yard box as the CB has originally pressed the ball and cannot make the distance to cover the space.

No one tracks the movement of Ronaldo after he plays into Carvajal.

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9 v 9 Game (10 mins)

Uefa A Licence Sessions

This is a 9 v 9 game practice for the UEFA A Licence. It concentrates on the Champions League Final 1st half analysis of Real Madrid vs Juventus

Red (Juve) 3-4-1

Blue (Real) 2-3-3

Coaching Points

-Defenders to show the attackers away from goal and out wide

-Appropriate player is pressing the ball in the correct position with the correct body shape.

-If caught out of possession can our defenders track runners and offer support to the back 3.

Custom Movement
Pitch Line 1
Pitch Line 3
Shaded Pitch Area

Here's what you learn on our FAW/UEFA A Licence course.

This residential course aims to educate candidates in the technical, tactical, physical and mental requirements of modern football.

The course develops candidates' ability to devise, organise, conduct and evaluate coaching sessions in advanced skills, tactics, strategies and systems of play.

Uefa A Licence Session Plans

It will also give an understanding of how to apply modern methods for sports science and sports medicine.

Kevin Nolan (UEFA A Licence graduate)

Uefa A Licence Coaching Course

'The course is very challenging and has taken many hours to complete but it's worth it, especially for me trying to climb the managerial ladder.
It's helped me massively and shown a different light on the game.
It's also been very enjoyable and I'm very grateful to the FAW staff for all the knowledge they've passed on to me.
The best thing about the course is the confidence it's given me. I can walk into a room and not have those jitters in front of a group of players.
If anyone ever asked, I would always show them to this course because everything about it is first class.'