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This week, Captain Sim announced the eagerlyanticipated release of their new Legendary Boeing 707. Clickon the thumbnails to see full-size images. The detail and accuracyis simply astounding and a hallmark of Captain Sim quality add-onsfor FS2004.
Celebrating 50 Years ofCommercial Jet Air Travel in the USA
50 year ago, on July 15, 1954, the first ofBoeing's long line of commercial airliners took to the sky in theform of the model 367-80. The Dash 80 was the prototype for itshighly successful 707 series. Captain Sim could not leave thismoment behind the simmers community and dedicates the LegendaryBoeing 707 release to the 50th anniversary of this remarkablemoment in the history of aviation.
B707 Aerobatics?
Just one month after its maiden flight, thisbeautiful and powerful bird made a spectacular impression onWashington residents when the Boeing Dash 80 prototype jetperformed a dramatic barrel roll over Lake Washington on August 7,1955.
B707 Chief Test Pilot, Tex Johnston stunned the crowd at theSeafair Gold Cup hydroplane race on Lake Washington by performingan aileron roll with the prototype Dash-80, the precursor to theBoeing 707. Tex ushered in the era of the modern commercial jetwith sensational flair.
Johnston aerobatic maneuver with the giant Dash 80was actually a variation on a barrel roll. Unlike a conventionalaileron roll, Johnston maintained positive gravity through themaneuver. Even Boeing President William Allen was taken by surpriseas he escorted potential customers who are seeing the jet for thefirst time. Talk about a big first impression!
Flying at more than 400 miles per hour just 400 feet above thewater, Johnston commenced a sudden ascent. The jet's swept-backwings spiraled as the 128-foot-long, 160,000 pound plane rolled,flying for a short time upside down. Then, for extra measure,Johnston performed a second barrel-roll. Boeing President Allenasked a guest with a heart problem if he could borrow his pills.The potential jet buyers were duly impressed.
By the time Johnston broke the transcontinental speed record in1957 after flying from Seattle to Baltimore in 3 hours, 48 minutes,orders for the new 707 were pouring in.
Got the Right Stuff?
When you get your hands on The Legendary Boeing 707from Captain Sim, see if you can duplicate Tex Johnston's daringaerobatic feat and roll this mighty airliner.
The Legendary Boeing 707 package includes
five of the most popular versions of the 707:
B707-300 Cargo
VC-137C Air Force One
20 accurate and detailed liveries
B 707-320B
American Airlines
B 707-320B ADV
South African
Air France
British Airways
British Midland
Pan Am
Spanish AF
White standard
B 707-320 Cargo
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Air Force One
Highly Detailed 2D And Virtual Cockpit WithAuthentic Avionics Including
- More then 2000 programmed bitmaps
- 601 operative elements
- 6 full screen interior views! Passenger wing viewsincluded.
- Functional Radar system,
- Sperry SP-50 Autopilot
- Ground Proximity Warning System
- 2, real independent ADFs
- Audio Selector
- Radio panels
- Realistic navigation procedures
- Fuel system
- Animated pilots' sliding windows
- Animated engine fire handles
- Clickable controls and instruments
- Animated pilot's sliding windows
- FPS friendly graphics
- TCE to design and apply new aircraft details to your artworkand create new set of liveries and to manage your 707s fleet
- User's Manual and Flight and Training Manual in 2 Partsdesigned by professional jet pilot according to real B707documentation
- Flight dynamics consulted and tested by 707 and other heavy jetrated pilots
- Authentic Boeing 707 engines and cockpit sounds
- Voice package with unlimited language extension.
Plus, much more
12 state of art full screen interior views.(including 2D panels)
TCE (Textures and Config Editor) to manage your 707fleet.
Realistic flight model.
Authentic sound set.
Crew voice package.
Extensive manuals.
Repaint kit for easy repaint.
FlightSim.Com Brings You More Screen Shots
For additional information go to http://www.captainsim.com/707/
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NATOPS FLIGHT MANUAL NAVY MODEL F/A-18E/F 165533 AND UP AIRCRAFT | A1-F18EA-NFM-000 | 934 pages | September 15, 2008 | Download (19.06 MB) |
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PRELIMINARY NATOPS FLIGHT MANUAL NAVY MODEL EA-18G 166855 AND UP AIRCRAFT | A1-E18GA-NFM-000 | 862 pages | May 15, 2008 | Download (21.53 MB) |